Weisheitsliebe .Love Wisdom Love.

Jair Benavidez
Feb 12, 2022
Weisheitsliebe, Birdfish 2011/2021

Discovery comes with seeing with new eyes. We have the power to give new value and new meanings to inspire others, create beauty and generate love. We must use new eyes, permanently. Connecting the dots forward will always be more complex than connecting the dots backwards; everything makes sense when done, but rarely on its idea or conception phase.

If everyone claps, we have failed.

We succeed when we combine two or more, and the outcome is one. It is not adding; it is amalgamating. It is always easier to add. Adding is a trap. We need a constant pursuit of wisdom to find new eyes and the courage to think for ourselves; that is frightening.

This is why we need another, not to become two but one.

p.s. Love-Wisdom

